I'm known in the Amateur Radio community by several call signs, including SA5IKN in Sweden, M0SKN in England, US6IKN in Ukraine, and EI6KC in Ireland. I've been licensed for over two decades and have traveled extensively, enjoying signing over 20 different calls across the globe, such as PJ2/EI6KC, VK/US6IKN, 9M2/M0SKN, EA8/EI6KC, EA6/EI6KC, and more (see my profile on qrz.com for details).
Currently, my main interest in Amateur Radio is DXing, which involves making contacts with distant or rare DXCCs. However, I also enjoy other aspects of the hobby when the time permits, such as contesting (since 2004) and building equipment. I actually built my first receiver at the age of 8 and my first CW/SSB transceiver at 14.
My favorite mode is CW, but I enjoy working Digital modes and SSB too. I'm not a big fan of ragchewing and prefer concise and informative QSOs.
I'm active on all bands from 160m through 3cm, including all modes on HF, Meteor Scatter on UHF and VHF, linear (and rarely FM) LEO satellites, MEO satellite IO-117, GEO satellite QO-100, and EME.